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I love that Reiki is finally getting the attention it deserves. Reiki is a really powerful way to connect with your higher self and heal, mentally, physically and spiritually.


I discovered Reiki many years ago, completely unexpectedly. I was parked, getting a coffee and saw an intriguing shop sign which I proceeded to google. On the page, I came across a woman's face and something inside of me (presumably my intuition) said -- you need to reach out to her!! -- I had no idea what Reiki was or who this person was, but I decided to email her and said; "Hi, I think I need to meet you, can I come in for a session?" I was not typically the type of person to act immediately on things, in fact, I normally mulled over what to do for a long time. So this instant reach out sort of surprised me. I booked a session for a few weeks later and I was SO nervous leading up to it!!! I even asked my sister to book a session right after me, so that we could go together, because I was too scared to go alone! What would happen? Is this real? Was this okay to be doing?! I didn't know what to expect.

I showed up to the appointment and was petrified and filed with so much doubt - how could this possibly work?? But, I was still intrigued and something inside me kept pushing me forward and reassuring me that it would be a worthy experience.

As soon as I met Pauline, I was instantly at ease. She was a beautiful woman, who looked nice, normal and radiated warmth. At this point, I was pretty sure I would not be murdered, but I was still scared about the experience.

I proceeded to enter the room and sat down. We had a nice discussion, and she asked why was I there....."Well, I have been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks, I had a very traumatic birth with my son, and I am having a hard time recovering from that." She nodded and smiled...and then I said, "Most of all, there was just something inside of me that pushed me into showing up here today, I'm not really sure why."

She reassured me that this was a wonderful step in the right direction and that in starting this journey I would be given tremendous opportunities for growth and healing and that my body and soul would know exactly what to do - all I need to do was lay comfortably and relax.

My inner dialogue immediately went to "there is absolutely NO way this is going to do anything." I was always a spiritual person, I believed in energy and in fact I even taught meditation! But, I kept thinking that there was no way this could possibly work....and WOW was I SO wrong.

I laid down on the table and felt the anxiety bubbling up inside me...I wanted to run, but instead my intuition kicked in and said...just relax, it's going to be fine. As Pauline began putting her hands above me, I felt SO many sensations, I kept opening my eyes to see where her hands were, and I was shocked at what I was feeling. With my eyes closed, I began to see things, mostly colors -- and then it happened...I had a lucid visualization of myself as a young girl, distraught and crying. This was a memory that I surely suppressed. And at that moment my inner voice said "you are safe, you are not alone." This whole visualization experience lasted mere seconds, but it was so clear! I thought, WHAT!!!!! IS!! HAPPENING!!

At that very moment it felt like a heavy weight lifted from my chest. I started crying...what was happening to me?! How is this possible?? Tears ran down my face and it was like all of the puzzle pieces started to come together. I was shocked. What an unexpected and beautiful experience.

Pauline explained that we release whatever we are ready to and reiki gently peels back these energetic layers so that we can heal and let go of whatever we are meant to. She was so confident and reassuring but also explained that it was me who was doing the healing and she was just facilitating it. I felt so empowered.

I walked out of that session feeling amazing, I even noticed that my anxiety lessened tremendously over the next few weeks. I continued to go for sessions and experience the most incredible and sometimes surreal things. I could not begin to explain how much I healed, but most importantly, I finally realized why I was pulled toward Reiki in the first place.

Pauline shared with me that healing others seemed part of my journey. I agreed that I felt drawn to it and wanted to learn how to work with this energy and to help others on their healing journeys, too.

After a tremendous amount of training, I became a Reiki Master. Since then, I have been able to help many people on their healing journeys and re-connect with their authentic self.

Reiki is the most powerful yet gentle way to experience a radical change. I have seen Reiki work wonders for myself and for others. I am so grateful to have discovered this ancient and sacred healing art, and for my mentor, Pauline, for teaching me something that is nothing short of magic.

To learn more about Reiki, keep reading below!


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation which also promotes healing. Reiki is based on the concept that an unseen "life force energy" flows through everything and everyone. If one's "life force energy" is diminished, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is optimal, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words - Rei which means "Higher Power" and Ki "life force energy". So the work Reiki actually means "spiritually guided life force energy."

According to the International Center for Reiki Training; “Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.”

When our life force is balanced, our reality that embodies ourselves, health, relationships and careers will flow in harmony.

Reiki energy should only be channeled by a trained practitioner who has been attuned to do so. Reiki Master’s spend years learning their craft and understanding how to harness and move this energy. Reiki can be done remotely, at a distance, or in person. It can be done on all living things.


During an in person session the t

rained practitioner will place their hands either directly on you, just above your body or aimed toward you to channel and transfer “universal life force energy.”

Re-aligning the chakras through a ritualistic technique is one of many ways a practitioner can channel and transfer this energy. Practitioners may also use crystals to amplify elements of healing to help release emotional, mental or spiritual blocks.

While receiving reiki energy, one may experience sensations such as heat, heaviness or tingling throughout their body. Some people report seeing visualizations such as colors or images. Each experience is unique and will likely become deeper the more often you receive reiki.


Anyone who wants to feel more relaxed, rejuvenated or more in touch with their spiritual side. A skilled reiki practitioner can help relieve and reduce pain, anxiety and stress and connect you with your authentic, higher self.

Even though Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion or religiously based. People of all belief systems can benefit. There is nothing you must believe in order to have reiki done on you.

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