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Love is one (if not the most) important parts of the human experience. I'm not only talking about romantic feelings of love, but ALL feelings of love - for yourself, your life, the experiences you have, your family, friends, pets, nature, etc.! With some people and/or circumstances it's easy to feel love...but sometimes we have a block. This block can be with a person or take the shape of a full blown fortress of the heart, total shutdown mode. Little by little, that wall around our heart can grow taller, and sometimes we find ourselves further from being able to feel love in other areas of our life as well.

If we want to change our relationship with the negative emotions that we're holding on to (consciously or unconsciously), we need to make the decision to do so. The good news is, this is something we can all do- and it will be helpful no matter how big or small those negative feelings might be. When we put feelings of love into the universe, we find that we become filled with more happiness, gratitude and in turn, more love! I agree, sometimes it's easier to sit with feelings of discontent, disappointment, frustration and anger, but because of the Law of Attraction, we get back what we put out there, so we want to let go of whatever we can!

The biggest question is, how do you release these feelings when you seemingly can't change how you feel? There are a bunch of ways that you can begin to work through these blocks and no one way is right- just being willing to do the work is a huge step forward. Reflection and trying to understand the blockage, is an important component. You could find a great counselor that can help you dig through your feelings and make sense of them, this can be in the form of a therapist, spiritual advisor, life coach, healer, wise friend etc. Another way is through meditation.

One particular type of meditation that is helpful for this is a Metta Meditation, also known as a Loving-Kindness Meditation. Doing this will help you cultivate feelings of peace and break down boundaries and barriers.


Start by getting into a comfortable position, close your eyes, and begin thinking about yourself, really visualize yourself and silently repeat the phrases; May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be safe, may I live my life with ease.

Next think about a loved one, someone who is very dear to you, visualize them and silently say; may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be safe, may you live your life with ease.

Then move to someone who you know, but maybe not that well, and repeat the phrases, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be safe, may you live your life with ease.

Then send the sentiments on to someone that you feel neutral about or a person that you have had issues with, and send them loving kindness by saying; may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be safe, may you live your life with ease.

Now expand it out to the world, sending all beings love, peace, safety and happiness. Repeat; may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be safe, may you live your life with ease.

Open your eyes and feel those loving feelings!

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