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All living things have a frequency, vibrating energetically in space. The human body vibrates according to the health of an individual and their vitality. For example if you are unwell, your body will vibrate at a lower frequency. The typical human body vibrates around 62–72 MHz (megahertz). When we meditate, interact with nature and fill our bodies with high quality foods and experiences, especially with feelings of love, we can vibrate at a higher frequency.

Our thoughts and emotions produce vibrations, the food we eat impacts our vibration and our surroundings can influence vibration. Plants have a high frequency, with the the rose, being the highest at around 320 megahertz! This is one of the reasons why the Rose is sacred and her healing capabilities are so powerful. The rose is the highest vibrating object on earth. So it makes sene that when we surround ourselves with roses and place them near or on our body, they can actually help to raise our energetic vibration!

People regularly report smelling the fragrance of roses while communicating with angels in prayer or meditation and roses appear in all of the world's religions as a symbol of love.

Here is a rose meditation can can work to raise your vibration and help you heal and release stagnant or disharmonious energy.

  • Start by acquiring a rose! You can go to the store and buy one, plant a rose bush in your garden, you can even use rose essential oil.

  • You can do this meditation laying down or in a comfortable seated position.

  • Start by holding the rose (or a drop of oil) in your hands, if you have a physical rose, look carefully at the color, petals, shape and form.

  • Then close your eyes and focus your attention on the rose. How does it feel? Touch the petals, smell the fragrance.

  • Ask the rose if she is willing to share her high vibration and healing energy with you.

  • Continue to breathe easily.

  • Next take the rose and touch her to each energy point (chakra point) on your body. Take as long as you want in each place. If you are working with an oil you can simple touch a small dot of oil to each general chakra location on your body.

  • Begin with your third eye, and work your way down to the root chakras. Here is a chart of your chakras locations of you are unfamiliar with them.

  • As you touch the rose to every energy point, proceed slowly and with intention.

  • When you are finished, send gratitude to the rose for sharing her high vibrating frequency with you.

How do you feel? Are you feeling uplifted? More grounded? Are any emotions coming up to the surface and releasing.

Rose healing is powerful and there is not a right way to feel after a healing session with her. Allow whatever comes up to come up and release, and know that you have taken in what you needed.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about rose medicine and how to incorporate it into your life or practice, feel free to reach out to me!

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